Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Category : Life

This Peloton Referral Code Helped me Pull the Trigger – UPDATED FOR 2021!

Edit 1/14/2021:
I would love to be able to share my code with you guys, but unfortunately Peloton has said this violates their policy and has suspended my referral code. I have been sharing my first-hand experience with Peloton for several years now, here on my own personal blog and as well as on Instagram. One of my posts was even featured on their official Instagram page. While I don’t share my code on any social media platforms (just here on my personal blog), I have shared my love of the bike, tips and recommendations, and even taking classes in the studio. I can’t even begin to tell you how many folks have reached out with questions and to let me know that thanks to the sharing of my experience, they have pulled the trigger and purchased a bike. While I am disheartened that Peloton has intentionally chosen to disqualify my referral code (and stated they will not reinstate even after the codes were removed online), I recognize that they do reserve that right. But since I’ve shared so many other experiences, I wanted to share this one too.

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Well, folks. I did it. I bought myself a Peloton bike. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I am a lover of Jazzercise so this might seem like a surprise. Jazzercise was indeed the first workout that I’ve ever looked forward to and that actually made me feel great instead of miserable. I never thought that I would be an exercise class person (I’m easily intimidated), but I quickly realized that the accountability of working out in a group is what I need to give me that extra motivation to show up and give it my all.

Enter, Peloton. I had thought of buying one here and there, but as someone who was too intimidated to try an actual cycling class, it didn’t seem realistic. But over the last two years I’ve watched Todd fall in love with cycling and I’ve seen how much happier and healthier he is (and how much weight he has lost!), which is all pretty inspiring. But I didn’t hop onto the Peloton completely blind. I had ridden on Todd’s indoor trainer while watching a few cycling classes on YouTube, so I had a general idea of what to expect. I also read a ton of reviews, almost all of which were positive, and did a lot of searching on Instagram to see how people were using it in real life. Overall, the reason I ended up taking the leap (and dropping some serious dough on the bike) was that it had some of the aspects of Jazzercise I love so much (fun music, uplifting instructors, and class accountability), yet I would have the ability to take the classes on my own schedule. As a mom that works full-time and blogs as a side hustle, this is the biggest part for me. The time I make for myself is not very much and my schedule is always changing, so the convenience component is what really won me over.

I clicked “buy” on a Monday night and by Thursday evening there were two guys setting it up in our den. I live in Arkansas, so that is pretty impressive. So far I’ve only done a few rides and boy were they TOUGH. I am nowhere near ready to ride at the recommended cadence and resistance of the instructor, but after just a few minutes I’m dripping with sweat and my heart-rate is UP for the entire ride. I figure that’s an excellent place to start.

Peloton doesn’t seem to have sales on their bikes very often, but I did find a referral code from a stranger on the internet for $100 worth of free accessories with a purchase of a bike. I was able to get a heart rate monitor, weights, and headphones for free! I already had the clip-in style shoes, but if I didn’t that would have been a great deal. Feel free to use this code, REDACTED :( (see edit above), and to get (and give) $100 of accessories. After I get more comfortable and try out different instructors, I’ll do another update to talk about how I’m liking it.

Stay tuned!

Elementary Talent Show!

So apparently every year, Iris’ elementary school puts on a Talent Show. As a kindergartner, I did not expect Iris to volunteer a talent. Don’t get me wrong, I think my kid is the best thing that has ever been put on this planet, but what would her talent even be? Watching YouTube? Singing a made up song? Eating candy?

“I’ll count to 100,” Iris told me.
“Hmmm. I’m pretty sure every kid there can do that,” I responded.
“Then I’ll tell jokes,” she quickly replied.

And that was that. Todd and I thought about discouraging her. Maybe we can gently suggest that she watch this year just to see how it works. Nope. She didn’t go for it. Not wanting to kill whatever comedian was living inside of her, we helped her prepare for the audition. Yes, they actually have to audition, which is quite genius really because I’m pretty sure that’s where they weed out the ones that will be too nervous on the big day (because everyone that auditions gets in).

So Iris did her thing and, a few weeks later, it was show time! It didn’t start until 1:00 pm, so all morning I nervously sat at my desk, wishing time would move faster. When I got to the school, I saw Iris and could tell instantly that I was definitely more anxious than she was. Iris was cool as a cucumber. She was also number three in the line-up (out of 27 acts!), so thankfully we didn’t have to wait long. When the sweet emcee announced her name, I instantly became even more nervous because she accidentally read her name as “Iris GRILLS!” Holding my breath, hoping that didn’t throw Iris off her game, she walked out onto the stage. And here is how it went….

Look how good she did! A bigger, braver girl than I ever was at that age (and maybe even now). I am so beyond proud of her – what a way to end her kindergarten year! By the way, a girl actually did get up there and sing what I think was completely made up song on the spot. It was one of my favorites. Besides Iris of course.

Dancing Queen

Did you know that kindergartners have dances? Well, I sure didn’t – but now at only six-years-old little miss Iris has TWO school dances under her belt. The first one was a Back to the Future theme and the most recent was a Decades theme. I’m not sure who had more fun – Iris doing the Nae Nae with her friends or me picking out her outfits. As of right now there is only one more month of kindergarten, so her next school dance will be as a first grader… Fingers crossed she still lets me pick out her outfits.

April Showers Bring May Travels

Last week I jetted off to The OC for a quick couple days of business meetings. While it was certainly a work trip, it sure was nice to hang with the sunshine, palm trees, and Mickey for minute. On the last evening, we took the short walk from our hotel to Disneyland – KID FREE! While of course there’s nothing more magical than experiencing Disney through the eyes of a child, there is something pretty darn sweet about going with no agenda. No pressure. No hight restrictions. Flying home the next morning (Friday the 13th!), our plane darted around some pretty severe storms in NW Arkansas. It was one time I was thankful for no cell service because turns out, a tornado was touching down in a nearby town at the exact same time we were landing. Needless to say, it felt extra good to get home safely that night.

Now I get to turn my attention to our next travel adventure – our Rosemary Beach, Florida trip! This will be our fifth annual May trip to Rosemary and we are thrilled to be going with our same friends as last year. Now that Iris is older, it really is fantastic for her to have another kid her age to play with all week. We lucked out this year and scooped up a beach house that is actually ON the beach. We leave in just over two weeks and I seriously cannot wait. This trip always feels like the true transition from spring to summer, which by the way is my most favorite season of them all. I’m just ready for sunshine, even if Mickey isn’t around.

Spring Forward

Oh, hey! What’s that sound? SPRING! Finally. I’m so over the dreary, cold days we’ve been having over here. And of course yet again, we have gotten through another winter with not one good snow. Not one! I blame it on the snowsuit I bought for Iris three years ago. We haven’t had one snow day since I purchased it. When I first moved to NW Arkansas over ten years ago, I swear our winters were more exciting than they are now. My hometown of Memphis (known for its sweltering summers) has even gotten more fluffy white stuff than us up here in the mountains.

Anyway, at least we’ve rounded the corner and warmer weather is ahead. As much as I love a good snow day, summer has always been my thing. Speaking of bikinis, this week is Iris’ very first Spring Break, but (whomp whomp) no beach fun for her. Todd and I still have to work most of the week, so my mom has graciously taken her during the day. Later this week though, we are having a bit of a spring break adventure. We’re heading over to Big Cedar Lodge for a few days to stay in a cute little cottage with some of our best buddies. Until then, we’re putting on our spying goggles and looking out for the cast and crew of True Detective, which is currently filming all around our town.

Catch ya on the other side of spring break.