Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Category : Sponsored

Dad-Do Kits: Pantene at Walmart

Two things have never been more certain: Iris has had fabulous hair since the day she was born and she loves her dad more than just about anything (except he might be tied with chocolate). So when we received the opportunity to team up with Pantene at Walmart for Father’s Day, it was a no-brainer. Even at birth Iris had the thickest head of hair, and since then it’s just kept growing. Naturally, I seem to be traveling for nearly every school picture day, leaving Todd to wrangle her locks alone. When we get the photos back a few weeks later, it’s always sweet to see her crooked piggy tails or messy little top-knot created by her dad (and captured for all of eternity).

Research has shown that fathers generally have as much or more impact than mothers on many aspects of their daughters’ lives.

Pantene’s Strong is Beautiful how-to videos show dads how easy and fun it can be to spend quality time with their daughters by doing their hair. Just in time for Father’s Day, Pantene at Walmart is inspiring dads and daughters to spend time together with “Dad-Do” kits. To share the sweetness, I’ve partnered with Pantene at Walmart to give away 35 Dad-Do kits over on my Instagram.

This Dad-Do kit includes:
• “Dad-Do” Instruction Cards
• Pantene Detangler
• Brush and Mirror
• Hairbands, and a
• $5 Walmart Gift Card

Enter here and, for more cuteness, check out the new video of Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams receiving a DAUGHTER-DO at Walmart.com/Pantene.

This is a sponsored post.

Road Trip Essentials When Traveling with a Kid (Featuring Whole Foods Fayetteville)

I love a good road trip and, thankfully, so does Iris. We are freshly back from our third annual beach vacation, which means we spent 14 hours in the car with a 4-year-old (each way!). Now that we’re somewhat experienced family road-trippers, I thought I’d share some of the kid-essential things that I’ve learned to pack on our journeys. I’ve also teamed up with Whole Foods Fayetteville to share some snack alternatives to the typical gas station junk food. Because, let’s face it – besides the destination, food is the one thing you really can look forward to on the road. And if you’re local, be sure to check out my Instagram where I’m giving away a $50 gift card to Whole Foods Fayetteville (more info after all the pictures). I’ll post a complete trip re-cap post soon, with tons more pictures of our vacation.

+ Shoes that are easy to put on/off. There’s nothing worse than when you really have to pee and you finally stop, only to see that your toddler has taken off her sandals with the double buckles and now wants “to put them on by herself.” I love a good, easy slip-on shoe that I can toss her way before we exit the interstate.

+ Kiddie potty. Speaking of bathroom breaks, how do kids have such a knack for needing to pee when the nearest bathroom is miles and miles away? Iris is old enough to not need this anymore, but when she was newly potty-trained, we would travel with a her kiddie potty so that we could just pull over in a safe spot when she really had to go.

+ Back pack of fun. We always keep a back pack full of toys and books in the car which we mostly bring to restaurants when we go out to eat. It’s a great, device-free way to keep Iris entertained so that we can take our time enjoying our food and beverages. It works wonders in the car when you hear the classic, “I’m borrrrrred.”

+ Headphones& iPad. This is a big “DUH!” but whatever you do, don’t forget the car charger!

+ Blanket & Lovey. Naps on long road trips are essential, but often difficult to make happen. Bringing Iris’ favorite blanket and lovey gives her that little extra comfort so that she can drift off to sleep.

+ Surprise activities. Before we leave on a trip I swing by the dollar store and grab a few new coloring books and maybe a new, small toy. I hold out for as long as possible, but I pull out these surprises when Iris really starts to get antsy.

+ Wet wipes & tissues. Even though Iris is past the diaper stage, I’ve learned to always keep wet wipes handy. I can’t believe it took having a kid to realize just how awesome it is to always have them nearby.

+ Road trip scavenger hunt. Iris loves playing “I spy” and this version drags it out a little longer. There are lots of printable options online, like this one.

+ The Waze app: While not for kids, this app has helped navigate us through some major traffic jams. No one wants to sit stuck on the interstate for hours, especially with a kid because… You know that’s when they’ll have to go potty.

+ Snacks & drinks. Special thanks to my new second home, Whole Foods Fayetteville, for gifting us some fun snacks for our trip. The store has only been open about two months, but I’ve been there more times than I can remember. They hooked us up with some of our favorites, as well as some things that we were excited to try.

What stood out the most? Well, the peanut butter Barnanas are a little dangerous – sooo good I had to stop myself from downing the whole bag. Same with the Chocolate Chevre by White River Creamery, which is an amazing local chocolate goat cheese spread (although, Iris ate it by the spoonful). Since this is the first Whole Foods in our area, I’m just now getting to know the 365 Everyday Value brand. We especially loved the 365 hummus, naan chips, pretzels, trail mix, and cookies. I was very grateful for the cold brew coffee, too.

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

The best part is that the treats lasted well into our vacation, meaning we had some steller beach snacks and drinks.


Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Clearly celebratory wine is necessary once you get to your destination.

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

I fell in love with reusable bags by Blue Avocado (also available at Whole Foods), while Iris fell in love with the 365 Honey Graham Bear Cookies and fruit strips.

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Whole Foods Fayetteville blog post

Giveaway time!
If you are in the Northwest Arkansas area, visit my Instagram for a chance to win a $50 Whole Foods Fayetteville gift card, along with a reusable Arkansas gift bag. All you have to do is follow myself and @wholefoodsfay, and tag as many friends as you’d like.

LÄRABAR Mini Moments


If you know Iris, you know that she is the ultimate snacker. It’s not uncommon for her to finish a big meal and then immediately request a snack. Every day when I pick her up from school, the first thing she says to me is, “I’m hunnnngry. I want a snack.” And this is right after school snack-time too! Usually all she requests is candy, candy, and more candy but recently we discovered how much she loves LÄRABAR minis from Sam’s Club. Made from unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices, I actually feel good about her eating a chocolate chip cookie dough treat.


As for me, the peanut butter chocolate chip is my fave. So with this big bag of 30 LÄRABAR minis, Iris and I make a good team. I’ve learned to keep them stashed in the car, in my purse, and around our house so that every time a toddler “hangry” moment rolls around, I toss one her way… Mini moments with my Mini.


If you wanna give them a try, Sam’s Club is giving away samples March 27-April 1. There’s also a $250 Sam’s Club gift card up for grabs and here’s your chance to win it. Enter here:

$250 Sam's Club Gift Card Giveaway

This post is sponsored post.

BOGO: #Crest 3-D WhiteStrips

Crest Whitestrips

The presents are wrapped, our tree is decorated, and my #HolidaySmile is bright! This season I’m excited to partner with Crest, who is having a limited-time offer where you can buy one Crest 3D White WhiteStrips 1-Hour Express Teeth Whitening Kit at walmart.com and get another for free.

And while this is clearly a sponsored post, I must say that my relationship with Crest WhiteStrips has been a long-term affair, beginning nearly ten years ago in preparation for my wedding day (don’t tell Todd). They’re convenient, easy to use, and now whitens teeth faster than ever. Little known fact here… In sixth grade I chipped my front tooth on my way to school. Do you remember when it was cool to wear backpacks on only one shoulder? Well, I had so many books in my bag that it was weighing me down and then I tripped, landing face-first into the sidewalk. Talk about cool. For a while I was nervous to try any sort of teeth whitening, but thankfully Crest WhiteStrips (which uses the same enamel-safe teeth whitening ingredients as dentists) has worked perfectly on my teeth – fixed chip and all!

Crest Whitestrips

Crest Whitestrips

Crest Whitestrips

Crest Whitestrips

The Little Craft Show!

Little Craft Show

If you are anywhere near Northwest Arkansas this weekend, you absolutely cannot miss The Little Craft Show. I’ve taken Iris every year since it began and now, five years later, it’s still my number-one Christmas shopping destination. The booths of various makers and crafters are stocked full of handmade, unique pieces from around the area and beyond. I’m always so proud to live in a community that has so much creativity to offer and this event really lets it shine. See you there?

Fayetteville Town Center (right on the square!)
15 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR

Friday, December 4th
3-9pm VIP – $95
5-9pm General Admission – $15
CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets!

Saturday, December 5th
9am – 5pm – FREE to attend!

For what it’s worth, we usually go to the Friday night event and then again on Saturday. It’s that good.

The Little Craft Show

Can’t wait to add our photo from this year!

(top images via: Thimblepress, Happy Guppy, Darwin and Delilah, Glitter and Wit, Quiet Clementine, Wild and Free Designs – all of which will be at LCS!)