Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: baby

Pregnancy Blog: 18 weeks

18 Weeks

18 weeks! Well, nearly 19 now. This week has been a busy one (but SO much better than the last). In fact, just this morning at 2:58 am I became an Aunt again! We spent the weekend cheering on Katie and Caleb, who are now Mom and Dad to Cole David Murry. He’s a cute lil laid back dude who arrived on his actual due date, which I hear is pretty rare. Seeing how calm Katie was during the whole birth process was really inspiring. Hopefully I can pull it together and be like her when my time comes.

Hospital snacks.

Cole 5.15.11

Cole 5.15.11

Cole 5.15.11

Cole 5.15.11

Cole 5.15.11

Happy Birthday, Cole!
I can’t wait to watch you grow.

As for this week of pregnancy for me, my stubborn cold is gone, my baby is the size of a mango, and I am seriously getting bigger by the day.

18 Weeks

18 Weeks

18 Weeks

No new developments except Todd and I have been discussing baby names. Meaning, I think of them and Todd vetoes each one. There is one name that we’ve both liked from the get-go, but finding a middle name has been a challenge (a fun one at least). I’ll probably wait until we know the full name for certain before I post it, but at this rate that might not be until she’s born. Naming a person is a task that we do not take lightly – we certainly want to make sure it will suit her for the rest of her life. I feel lucky to have a simple (non-makefunable) first name, followed by a unique middle name. Fortune is actually a family name, so I love the added significance too. I’m trying to keep that in mind when thumbing through my name ideas. We’ll see.

Other than that, I’m feeling great and can’t complain (especially since the halfway mark is just around the corner!

A Little Update

And by little, I mean about the size of a peach.

I know I’ve been a little quiet lately,
but that’s because this October,
Todd and I are expecting a baby!


It’s been hard holding in the news for the last three months, but now I’m happy to report that I’m 13 weeks and we’re both doing well! So well in fact that I was worried for a while that something was wrong. Apparently I’m one of the lucky ones with barely any symptoms. The ultrasound above was taken at 9 weeks (I’m pretty sure if you look close enough you can see a big smile and sunglasses), but I just got back from the doctor today where we heard the little heartbeat thumping strong. Best. Sound. Ever.

I’ll be updating the blog more now that it’s out in the open. For the last few months it’s all I wanted to write/talk/think about, but besides telling close friends and family, I knew I wanted to wait. Needless to say, I’m happy the second trimester is here! Let the pregnancy blogging begin…

(Follow my weekly pregnancy posts here)

Meet Remy!

A couple of Saturdays ago our group of friends got a lovely, last minute surprise – our dear friends Jonathan and Lacy were arriving in town from Houston with their newborn baby, Remy. We all gathered at Jill and Ben’s house to meet the little one. Cute is an understatement for this one – she was just as sweet and beautiful as can be. And my favorite part is how all of the guys seemed to hold her even more than the girls.

Meet Remy!


Brandy & Dustin with Remy

I finally got to meet baby Remy!

Cathy capturing Lacy & Jill


Dustin, Remy, Jonathan, & Brandy


Trip with Remy


Brandy, Remy, & myself. Just the girls.


Laura with Remy


Cathy & Trip


Eric’s turn




I might need one.


We can’t help but stare…


Remy with her pretty mama


Can’t wait to see them again when they visit at the end of the month!