Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: blue


Blue, my favorite animal ever in my life, passed away about a year and a half ago. Even with all that time behind me, I still think of her more than anyone would ever know. She was in my life for 15 years.
We were BFFs.

going thru photos...

How could I not think of her all the time when her big, beautiful face is constantly looking over living room?

Blue painting from Lauric & Brustin. I cried.

Well, this week I was reminded of her again, but in a different way. In a way that has really hindered me, actually.

You see, Blue was weird. So weird that one of her favorite things was to chew on rubber things. One time I even bought her one of those old, curly phone cords (the kind grandmas still use) to chew on and she was in total heaven.

Unfortunately, I think she took that as an “okay” to chew on other tasty electrical things that cats should not eat. About a year before she died she took a chompin’ to my Apple power cord, displaying a few of the metal threads. It still worked, so I didn’t get too mad.

This weekend, sparks finally flew and the cord went to join Blue in heaven. Because of this, I can’t use my laptop, meaning I can’t properly blog or post any of the photos from my recent road trip. A replacement is on its way, so hopefully it won’t be too long before I’m back to my internet-obsessed self.

It’s been nearly two years since her death and she’s still finding ways to make me laugh. So now when I think of Blue, I’ll picture that busted computer cord hanging out of her stinky, cat breath mouth.

Cheers, Blue.
And thanks a lot.


One Month Away

It feels like every month just keeps going by faster & faster. I can never keep my blog up with how many photos I take, so i’ve posted a hodge podge of my favorites from the past couple months.

Here’s what i’ve been up to as of late.

+ getting married in a month
+ invitations finally in the mail
+ all other wedding plans falling into place thanks to my friends & family
+ aced summer school
+ officially graduating this december
+ off to miami for our honeymoon
+ going to vegas in october
+ silver dollar city this weekend
+ memphis the next
+ ebay goin good & steady
+ todd bought a motorcycle
+ fourth of july party
+ lots of layin out in the sun (when it hasn’t been raining)
+ Sadie is almost all grown up (her nickname this week is Sugar Bear)
+ crazy Good Fear video shoot
+ lots of thrift store shoppin
+ went camping a while back
+ attended a few fabulous weddings

(click photos for a larger image)

Brandy’s bachelorette party

Q: peace signs or yin yangs?
A: neither

Camping in Missouri

plenty of game nights

lots of grilling out

my delicious (disgusting) banana boat.


todd’s “don’t be mad” purchase.

Brustin’s lovely wedding!

just a cute one.

more grilling out

homemade ice cream (thanks laura!)

Jason & Genevieve’s lovely wedding (somehow I managed not to get a photo of either one of them)

The Good Fear video shoot in Prairie Grove.

i wore a wig.

setting up for the 4th of July


blue & her favorite Alf sleeping bag

last but not least, party dog!

That’s all for now. My next post will mostly likely be when I’m married w/ all sorts of wedding photos! Can’t wait!

A Few Months Worth

Ah, it’s been so long since I’ve made a real update. So what have I been doing? Good question.. let’s see.. there was Christmas in Memphis, Todd’s birthday, a roller skating party, the beginnings of wedding planning, winter break (which is just about over, but at least I’m technically now a college senior), the take over of Guitar Hero, Bittersweet Styles becoming even better thanks to working w/ Todd, oh and so much more. I should just let the pictures do the talking… (btw – now you can click the images if ya want to see them bigger).

We got a new camera for Christmas and it’s amazing.

New Years!

autographed Justin Timberlake shirt I got for xmas from Cory & Karen!

We rented out the roller rink & played dress up.

Winter in Fayetteville

Christmas in Memphis

The Buccaneer

Striped shirts only.

Gus’s Fried Chicken

Saw my little sister & the rest of the fam in Jonesboro

Just a few from the last week or so..

While I was in Memphis I went through some old photographed & scanned some of my favorites.

This is when my friends and I stood in line to meet Jonathan Brandis, who sadly passed away a couple of years ago. I remember we were upset because we had to pay $5 for this Polaroid and not only was he licking his lips mid-flash, but there’s a big finger print on it too. My mom, however, was upset because I got him to autograph my blue jeans. I totally wore them to school the next day… hopefully not with that purple silk shirt in this picture though.

Speaking of my mom, I also found my favorite old photos of her:

That’s all for now, except for one last picture of a junior high dork:
