Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: chicago

Quick Trip: Chicago

Ever since Iris has been here,
it seems like I’ve been on a travel hiatus.

This late summer though,
is a different story.

I used to love packing my bags, but now…
Saying goodbye to my love is tough.

I wanna bring her with me.

Recently I flew to Chicago
for a short business trip
(sans baby).

Here are a few photos from
my two night stay…

Downtown Chicago

I can see my hotel from here. #chicago

A sliver of a lake view.

I can see a sliver of the lake from my hotel bed.

A drink at the Signature Lounge
(96th floor of the John Hancock building).

Blueberry mojito on the 96th floor of the John Hancock building. {this one's for you @bevcooks }

Photos from home
melt my heart.

Melting my heart from miles & miles away.

Pregnant me / today me.
Same hotel. Same meeting.
Exactly one year later.

Pregnant me / today me. Same hotel. Same meeting. Exactly one year later. #flashbackfriday

Met up with James from Bleubird Vintage.
Such a lovely surprise she was in town at the same time!
(photo by – Bleubird. Sorry James, I had to steal this one
– it’s way cuter than mine!)

Sarah & Bleubird - Chicago

I met her ah-dorable Gemma Bird & husband too.

If I can't hang out with Iris, I might as well hang out with Gemma. @bleubird

Oh, she's the cutest. @bleubird @aubreymccoy

Dinner with good company on my last night in town.

Last night in Chicago.

Coming home to Arkansas is always sweet.

Home! Such a pretty flight coming into Arkansas.

But coming home to this
is sweeter.


Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Truth be told, I cried after Todd took my photos this week.

I’ve only cried a few times since being pregnant, but I think this batch of tears had to do with seeing myself as officially huge and the fact that I’m entering the stage where I’m constantly uncomfortable. Okay, maybe it had a little to do with hormones too. But the tears only lasted a few minutes and, all in all, week 29 was a good set of days.

● I spent a couple of days in Chicago on a work trip, which was a nice (slight) break from this southern heat. Traveling in the third trimester was surprisingly easy, but direct flights, good company, & lots of sleep certainly helped.

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

John Hancock building across from our hotel

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

I discovered H&M has baby clothes

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Our laughable air-conditioner in the cab from the airport

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

● Speaking of the heat, can I just point out for a minute that I’m pregnant during a historic heatwave? It’s been terrible and this week is supposed to be even worse. We’ve had record breaking temperatures & days on end of reaching over 100 degrees. Now someone hand me a milkshake and point me towards a pool.

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

● We had another doctor’s visit (this “appointment every two weeks” thing is awesome) and Iris seems to be doing great!

● Iris has started hiccuping within the last couple of weeks. The first time I noticed it I was eating a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A. Maybe spicy isn’t her thing. Sorry girl, it sure is mine.

● We have a new tradition of going over to my mom’s house every Sunday for dinner. It’s been a long time since I’ve lived in the same town as a parent, so just getting together for a meal is quite a treat. I can’t wait to continue this once Iris is here.

● Todd and I worked a little more on the nursery, finally decorating a little bit. He hung shelves and I made paper flowers.


So even though there were a few tears (that’s to be expect though), I made it through another seven days and am oh-so-close to that 30 week mark.

Hip hip hooray!