Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: Dog the Bounty Hunter

Adventures with Dog

I’m a fan of ridiculous and random things.

So when I heard that Duane Chapman, from A&E’s reality show Dog the Bounty Hunter, was going to be in town signing his new book at Borders, I knew I had to me there, camera in tow.

Brandy, GL, and I decided to turn this past Tuesday night into an adventure. Our ultimate goal was to have our photo taken with Dog and his wife, Beth, but upon arrival we were told that there was no posing with Dog allowed.

This was only a minor set back. We were still mighty determined.

While the absurdly long line snaked through every aisle of the bookstore and out the side door, we ran around taking advantage of the prime photo ops (and the amazing people watching opportunities).

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog was running an hour late, so we grabbed a beer at PF Changs

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog didn’t arrive till around 10 o’clock, so we went on with the photos!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

And then, there he was…

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

That hair! Oh that hair..

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

The excellent crowd…

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Quite a jacket.

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

The body guard, Phil.

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

At one point Dog took a break, so we trotted around back and found him leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

GL and I tiptoed up to him and asked for a picture.

“Not right now, ladies.”

Shot. Down.
Then a security guard comes over and tells us to “Please step away.”
While most people might consider that a failure, our laughter afterwards proved it to be quite a success.
We just got asked by security to step away from the bounty hunter!

We made our way back inside and decided to take our place in line.
Way at the end.

It was pushing 11:00 on a school night when all the sudden his wife Beth came around to say hello to everyone waiting in line.

The A&E cameras were rolling when she got to us.
I asked if I could take my picture with her very quickly.
Shot. Down.

But this time it was even better than before. She took that opportunity to stop and announce to the crowd that we couldn’t take pictures WITH her, but we could take all we wanted OF her.

So that we did.

Brandy & GL hop on in…

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

And so did our friend, Warren, who we ran into while there.

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

I got a high five!

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

And with that excitement, we left.
We never got our book signed nor did we care.

Plus, now we can return it and get our 20 bucks back.
All that fun and all it cost us was the price of a couple beers.