Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: Photos

Pregnancy Blog: 28 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 28 weeks

Week 28 has been a great one! Even though I’m starting to find it difficult to catch my breath at times and rolling out of bed is starting to look like a circus act, I’ve managed to have a pretty darn good time. This past weekend my dad came to visit, which meant a lot since he lives about 5 hours away. He brought up lots of prizes, which were specially picked out by Cathy, Selah, and Lilah (my step-mom & little sisters). Let me just say that Iris’ wardrobe got even more adorable over the weekend.

My dad and I spent the weekend talking, eating, eating some more, roaming around town, and exploring my old campus. Lucky for Todd, he even finished up the last of the mudding on our kitchen drywall while he was here. As for Iris herself, baby girl is getting strong. This week I can feel either a hand or foot (I have no idea what is what in there), pushing with all its might like she’s trying to escape. I still can’t get over how surreal (and weird) it feels. It’s certainly a wonderful reminder that a real person is in there.

There was also good news from the doctor’s office this week. I passed my glucose test! I also got confirmation that my negative blood type is still not an issue. However, they did tell me that my iron was a little low, but just to eat more red meat and green leafy veggies. So yes, Todd and I have had steak and salad two nights since then. I can deal with that.

A few photos from the week…

Our stroll on the University of Arkansas campus

Pregnancy Blog: 28 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 28 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 28 weeks

Snow cones!

Estate sale find (my daddy bought it for me)


Visiting Todd’s office


Sparking water from Mexico


My dad & the Grillenium Falcon grilled cheese truck


It was a lovely weekend indeed.
I just wish we all lived closer together.

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 25 weeks

So I’ve got 25 out of 40 weeks under my belt. Quite literally.

With the 3rd trimester right around the corner, I feel like we’re finally getting somewhere! This week in particular has been monumental for several reasons…

● As of today, the fourth of July, there are 100 days left until my due date. Typed out that seems like a long time, but time really does seem to be flying by. I’ve never wished a summer away so fast in my life.

● Iris’ nursery furniture has been ordered and should be here in a week or two. We were fortunate to get a ‘lifetime’ set, so it transitions from nursery, to toddler, to teen furniture. Setting that up will mean that we can put everything else in place and turn it into a real baby room.

● We received a few sweet gifts from Jen, including an adorable dress, the tiniest bracelet in the world, and a Medela pump (which I’m sure any nursing, working mama will know this is something to be excited about).

● I went to my last monthly pre-natal visit. From now until the last month I’ll be going about every two weeks. That means we’re getting closer, folks! This past visit was a basic one, but everything looked good – normal blood pressure, measuring right on track, healthy heartbeat, etc. The only thing that stressed me out a bit was the amount of weight I’ve gained in the last four weeks (TEN pounds!). The doctor didn’t seem concerned at all, but considering I’ve got a little over 3 months to go, uh, I’m a bit worried.

● Last but not least, we went to Stork Vision Tulsa to see Iris Adella in 3D/4D! She was being stubborn at first, turning her back towards us and putting her hands in front of her face, but the ultrasound tech was very patient and very sweet. After taking some sips of coke and blasting My Morning Jacket from Todd’s iPhone to my belly (see, I’m a great mother already), she finally woke up and showed us her pretty face. It was incredible to see her move around as I felt her kicks. She waved her tiny fingers and even smiled a couple times. A few of the 80 photos we got are below, plus a video of her fancy hand action. Check her out…

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Iris Adella - 3D Ultrasound

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

It’s hot.
And I’m pregnant.

Summer is here and I’ve spent this week laying low and staying cool. It’s been a pretty uneventful week pregnancy-wise, which I suppose is nice.

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

+ We have a brand new roof on our house (thanks to our amazing friends)!
+ Todd and I have started working on getting the nursery ready. It’s almost time for the fun part – decorating!
+ Iris has been kicking and punching me quite a bit lately. I love it. Keep it coming, lady.
+ I’ve been putting headphones on my belly now that her ears are supposed to be almost fully formed. I swear she dances in there.
+ I’ve started looking into daycare (insert sad face here). This is one of the biggest things I dread. Not only is it incredibly expensive, but I already don’t want to hand off my baby to a stranger everyday. I know that I have to go back to work full time, but I’m hoping we won’t have to use daycare until at least January. There is an option about one minute away from my office that I’ve looked into and I’m hoping to take a tour this week.
+ Today is Todd’s first sort of Father’s Day (even though he doesn’t think it counts). My mom brought him back some fancy steaks from Kansas City, so we’re spending the evening grilling in our backyard. In fact, I’ve got some potatoes and strawberry shortcake to make.

See you next week, if not before!

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 23 weeks

William, Kate, & Brains

Okay, just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t have fun. While I might not be the life of the party these days, I do try to get out every once in a while. One of the best parts? The whole no hangover thing. Hah. Here are some photos from a couple recent shindigs…

This Friday my friend Jill hosted a royal wedding watch party (DVRed of course – there was no way we were waking up at 4 am). She went all out with homemade scones, vintage tea cups, William & Kate decorations, fancy hats, and Cathy even brought a wedding cake!

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

William & Kate - Jill's Royal Wedding Party

These are from Brains’ birthday party, way back in March. This was the same week I had my first ultrasound, so at the party we told all of our friends that we were expecting. So, I’ll always remember that night – mustaches & all.

I made brains cupcakes for the birthday girl.

People have asked how she ended up with the nickname Brains, so now is a good time to explain. In college, the university usually gives email addresses with the first letter of you first name, and the first five letters of your last name. Back then, her name was Brandy Rains. So there ya have it!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains cupcakes for Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Brains' Birthday!

Since usually I’m in bed by about 8 o’clock, my nights of fun are few and far between. I guess I should have a few more while I can, but pajamas & thinking of baby names rate pretty high up there with me right now.

Love being lazy.

Lazy bums.

And a silly pregnant picture for good measure.
Straight from the maternity department of Old Navy.

17 weeks

Katie’s Baby Shower!

One of the best things about having a baby this year is that my sister-in-law, Katie, is also having her first one too! Baby boy Cole is due this May, so that means the little cousins will only be five months apart. Last weekend I hosted a shower for family & friends from around the Fayetteville area (she lives about an hour and a half away). Since my brain is strictly in baby mode, I had fun crafting the decorations and seeing all the baby goodies get unwrapped. Here’s the afternoon in photos…

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Prizes & games

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

The Dad & Mom

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

The two preggies

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

The fam

Katie's Baby Shower

Katie's Baby Shower

Can’t wait to meet ya, Cole!