Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Chelsea Clinton Wedding Coincidences

What does the
Chelsea Clinton & Marc Mezvinsk wedding,
Bill & Hillary Clinton wedding,
and the Todd & Sarah Gill wedding
all have in common?

Amongst other things, really unique timing.

Chelsea Clinton was married yesterday and my wedding anniversary is next week on August 11th – the very same day that former president Bill Clinton will be in Fayetteville, Arkansas stopping by the very same house where Todd and I were married three years ago to the day. Of course Bill and Hillary were married there too, which is what brings the coincidences full circle.

Check out this article on politicsdaily.com about it all:
Bill Clinton’s Marital Tips to Newlyweds

The letter Bill Clinton wrote to us…

Bill Clinton - Wedding Letter

Me next to the replica of Hillary Clinton’s wedding dress.
Chelsea’s looked a tad bit different.

Cheers, Bill!