Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.



This month I’m excited to contribute to the official Jazzericse blog! After I posted about trying Jazzercise for six months, I was shocked at how much attention it got within the Jazzercise community – a community that I still felt very brand new to. It was shared over 2,000 times on Facebook and is still one my most frequently visited stories today. Less than 24 hours after posting, I was equally surprised to receive an email from the Director of Marketing at Jazzercise headquarters in California. By that afternoon, I was on the phone with her talking about my post and how I could partner with them in the future. Well, that leads me to the blog post about giving back this holiday season that was published yesterday on Jazzercise’s community section of their website.

As for my Jazzer-journey after the first six months? I’ll do a full update soon, but I am still loving it and am super excited about the lunch-hour classes that started at my location this week! As a busy working mom, I can’t tell you how much that will simplify my life. For now, check out my article about giving back this holiday season.

The Daily Grind

Around here, every weekday is more or less the same… LONG. I typically wake up around 7 am, start my coffee, drink just enough to get me going, and then spend the next 10 minutes trying to convince Iris to start her day (why is it that kids are impossible to wake up on weekdays, but will pop out of bed like it’s Christmas every weekend?). Once Iris is slowly moving around, I help get her dressed and then we both stumble through the rest of our morning. Breakfast – usually just cereal or yogurt with fruit for her, and more coffee for me. Todd always takes Iris to school, and I rush off to work after haphazardly putting my own self together. I have to stop right here and say how thankful I am that, A) I live less than 10 minutes away from my office and B) my office is super casual so I don’t have to dress up each day. I’m in the office by 8 o’clock and I usually get to leave by 4:30, which means I have just enough time to make it to Jazzercise.

After a full hour of working out, off to Iris’ school I go! Usually with just minutes to spare, I pick her up, dripping with sweat, right before closing time. Should I feel bad that she’s often the last kid to get picked up? Nah. I’m just getting my money’s worth. Well, and there’s the fact that she gets really pissed if I pick her up any earlier. In the afternoon they get to look past all of the “work” and pick the fun toys to play with. Yesterday when I picked Iris up, she was shoving glow sticks into baby dolls’ mouths – and was in pure heaven doing so. Can’t take her away from that!

From school we go home, but not to rest. That’s when another round of work begins, but it’s the best kind. It’s the kind where I make dinner while my family hangs around. Todd’s usually playing a record, Iris is usually begging for a snack, our animals are generally annoying me at my feet, and wine is usually somewhere near my mouth. Finally, we get to eat! And by eat, I mean that we shove food into our faces while Iris sits there eating only her bread, complaining that everything else looks disgusting.

Straight after dinner, it’s Iris’ bath time. After bath time, it’s book time. After book time, it’s song time. After song time, it’s “one plus two equals three time” (that means stay three extra minutes, please). After “one plus two equals three time,” it’s finally MY TIME. Around 9 o’clock I get to take a shower and wash all the work of the day away. From there, it’s time to climb right into a mountain of pillows in bed and watch some sort of mindless television (Real Housewives of ANYTHING). Even though it’s the only time for myself, I usually don’t last more than an hour or so before falling asleep… And then start it all over again the next morning.

Just typing all of this out makes me feel exhausted, however I’m usually excited and ready for each new morning. I realize how fortunate I am to have the family that I have, a job that I love, and to live in a city that makes everything so sweet and easy. One of the very best parts of my day is kissing Iris’ cheek as I wake her up in the morning, even knowing I have a marathon to run until it’s dark. My other favorite part is the feeling of driving to Iris’ school to pick her up in the afternoon. She’s nearly five years old and I still get excited to hang out with my tiniest best friend after work each day. The wine isn’t bad either.

These days, they are long. But more than anything, they are good. In fact, they might just be the best. They will continue to evolve and I will continue to try to capture them, like in this post, because one day I will miss these moments – sweat and all – more than anything.

Pretty Day


It’s Saturday – and a beautiful one at that. I started my day with a 9:30 Jazzercise class and then, after a little bacon and eggs, our little family scooted on down to the season’s first Farmers’ Market on the square downtown. Now home, Iris is now taking a nap and once she wakes up, she’s off to Baba’s house! It’s been a few months since we’ve had a whole night just for ourselves. Iris is such an easy kid that it’s never much of a break to have a sitter. In fact, things become a little boring without her around. That said, I guess I am looking forward to eating, drinking, peeing, and talking without being interrupted. On that note, I’m off to pack her bags…

Friday With Iris

Iris and I had a much appreciated day off together, but why oh why did she still have to wake up at the crack of dawn? As I drank my morning coffee, I decided to make the most of it and document our simple adventures throughout the day:

Up and at ’em.

First things first.

Blueberry breakfast bar & a banana for breakfast.

Kitty watching me get ready. Creep.

No, you can’t wear pajamas all day…
Especially since I see you picked them out yourself.

Since we’re up, I’m getting my workout in.
Iris loves the childcare there anyway (but probably not as mush as I do).


It may only be 10:30 in the morning, but screw it. We’re getting lunch.


Then off to the square to run a few errands, where it basically looks like a movie set right now.





Meeting up with Todd for a local beer (and a juice for Iris).


Since Iris was so patient, she got treated to her fave sweet treats from Alchemy Macarrons.



Before we headed back home for a much needed nap, Iris and I swung by and met the sweet girls (and puppies) at Southern Trend Clothing.


They hooked up our whole family with so many goodies that we’ll share soon.



TGFN (Thank Goodness For Naps).


And thank goodness for great weather so that Iris can craft outside, and for Todd picking up take-out Thai food, and for the next few hours where I’m going to do nothing but watch the first season of Game of Thrones. From what I have heard, I’ll see ya in about a month.


Hope your day was just as awesome.