Mom to Iris. Wife to Todd. Our little family lives at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We love it here and I love sharing little bits of our life.

© 2014 sarahfortune.


Posts Tagged: travel


In planning our recent Carnival cruise (that post will be next!), we also added on a little bonus vacation to Houston. We have good friends that moved down to Texas a while back, so it was the perfect opportunity to visit with them before we jumped on the ship in Galveston.

Initially we were going to make it a road-trip adventure, however as the trip got closer, the thought of driving over eight hours and then being on a boat for days sounded less appealing. Finding some good prices on flights, we booked our trip to arrive in Houston a couple days ahead of our cruise.

Iris was super excited to fly on an airplane, so for us that’s when our vacation actual began. I flew with her a couple times as a baby, but she was too young to remember it. I thought she would gaze out of the window in amazement the entire way, but instead all she cared about was watching The Sound of Music on my iPad. Oh, kids these days…

But after an easy flight, we arrived in Houston just in time to watch the very first Razorback game with our old pals. Once the Hogs barely squeaked out a win (phew!), we checked into our hotel. The kind folks at Visit Houston set us up with a room at The Whitehall. Situated right downtown, it was a great location to pop over to various points in the city and explore.

The next morning we woke up pretty early and got the show on the road. After breakfast at our hotel, we hopped over to Discovery Green where we met back up with our friends. Less than 10 minutes from our hotel, there was a huge splash pad, a water area with little sailboats, restaurants, playground, etc. – all surrounded by the high-rises of Houston. Iris was in heaven romping around with Remy, cooling off in the water.

After we dried off the girls, we made our way to eat Mexican for lunch before using a coupon out of the City Passes that Visit Houston kindly gifted us. With that, we got admission to quite a few Houston attractions, but with our limited time we had to narrow it down to just a couple options.

After hearing great things about the Houston Museum of Natural Science, we decided to make our way there. From a beautiful butterfly center, to a fascinating dinosaur exhibit, this place was pretty cool – and there was a LOT more that we didn’t even get to see. I actually spent my first hour there freaking out because I couldn’t find my wallet. After calling the restaurant where we ate lunch, the bank, and searching the car twice, Todd finally found it UNDER our car. I’m so thankful we discovered it was missing before we drove away, as that would have been the worst way to start a vacation.

After a few hours at the museum, it was most definitely happy hour time. Per usual, we always like to visit at least one local brewery in all the cities we explore. Houston was no different, so we checked out Karbach Brewing Co. With a huge outdoor “play” area, the kids had fun while we tried out the beer and food.

Full and happy from our day, we said goodbye to our friends and headed back to the hotel. The next morning, we pulled out our City Passes and decided to explore the Downtown Aquarium with the time we had left in Houston. Our cruise didn’t depart until late Monday afternoon out of Galveston, which is only about an hour away, so we took our time visiting the the fish, sea creatures, and white tiger. Yes… a white tiger at an aquarium. I don’t know, but I’m not complaining.

Another cool thing about the aquarium was the outdoor carnival area with rides, games, and fair-style food. So the very last thing we did in Houston before our trip came to an end was take a ride on the ferris wheel, which reached almost as high as the skyscrapers it sat next to. Pretty cool way to wave goodbye to the city.

Thanks for having us, Houston! We hope to come back soon.

Quick Trip: Chicago

Ever since Iris has been here,
it seems like I’ve been on a travel hiatus.

This late summer though,
is a different story.

I used to love packing my bags, but now…
Saying goodbye to my love is tough.

I wanna bring her with me.

Recently I flew to Chicago
for a short business trip
(sans baby).

Here are a few photos from
my two night stay…

Downtown Chicago

I can see my hotel from here. #chicago

A sliver of a lake view.

I can see a sliver of the lake from my hotel bed.

A drink at the Signature Lounge
(96th floor of the John Hancock building).

Blueberry mojito on the 96th floor of the John Hancock building. {this one's for you @bevcooks }

Photos from home
melt my heart.

Melting my heart from miles & miles away.

Pregnant me / today me.
Same hotel. Same meeting.
Exactly one year later.

Pregnant me / today me. Same hotel. Same meeting. Exactly one year later. #flashbackfriday

Met up with James from Bleubird Vintage.
Such a lovely surprise she was in town at the same time!
(photo by – Bleubird. Sorry James, I had to steal this one
– it’s way cuter than mine!)

Sarah & Bleubird - Chicago

I met her ah-dorable Gemma Bird & husband too.

If I can't hang out with Iris, I might as well hang out with Gemma. @bleubird

Oh, she's the cutest. @bleubird @aubreymccoy

Dinner with good company on my last night in town.

Last night in Chicago.

Coming home to Arkansas is always sweet.

Home! Such a pretty flight coming into Arkansas.

But coming home to this
is sweeter.


Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Truth be told, I cried after Todd took my photos this week.

I’ve only cried a few times since being pregnant, but I think this batch of tears had to do with seeing myself as officially huge and the fact that I’m entering the stage where I’m constantly uncomfortable. Okay, maybe it had a little to do with hormones too. But the tears only lasted a few minutes and, all in all, week 29 was a good set of days.

● I spent a couple of days in Chicago on a work trip, which was a nice (slight) break from this southern heat. Traveling in the third trimester was surprisingly easy, but direct flights, good company, & lots of sleep certainly helped.

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

John Hancock building across from our hotel

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

I discovered H&M has baby clothes

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

Our laughable air-conditioner in the cab from the airport

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

● Speaking of the heat, can I just point out for a minute that I’m pregnant during a historic heatwave? It’s been terrible and this week is supposed to be even worse. We’ve had record breaking temperatures & days on end of reaching over 100 degrees. Now someone hand me a milkshake and point me towards a pool.

Pregnancy Blog: 29 weeks

● We had another doctor’s visit (this “appointment every two weeks” thing is awesome) and Iris seems to be doing great!

● Iris has started hiccuping within the last couple of weeks. The first time I noticed it I was eating a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A. Maybe spicy isn’t her thing. Sorry girl, it sure is mine.

● We have a new tradition of going over to my mom’s house every Sunday for dinner. It’s been a long time since I’ve lived in the same town as a parent, so just getting together for a meal is quite a treat. I can’t wait to continue this once Iris is here.

● Todd and I worked a little more on the nursery, finally decorating a little bit. He hung shelves and I made paper flowers.


So even though there were a few tears (that’s to be expect though), I made it through another seven days and am oh-so-close to that 30 week mark.

Hip hip hooray!

Pregnancy Blog: 20 weeks

Pregnancy Blog: 20 weeks

HOORAY! This week I’m officially half way through the pregnancy. It’s hard to believe, but if I ever have any doubts I can just glance down.

The most exciting thing about week 20 is that I can occasionally feel the baby kick from the outside of my belly. Not only that, but I’ve SEEN it too. While I feel her moving a lot from the inside, it’s still very rare that the movement is hard enough to tell by hand, so Todd still hasn’t been able to feel it yet.

The other thing that’s on my mind is our big ultrasound next week. This will be the one where they take measurements, examine the organs, and look for any issues. Of course this makes me a little nervous because I just want everything to be okay, but I’m thinking good thoughts and counting down the days till I get to see her again. Oh, and that’s another thing. Since we found out the gender so early, they should be able to let us know if she really is a she.

This was a big week for another reason too – I took a little business trip to New York City. The little one and I both did great, although I do wish I could take back that whole ‘riding the subway pregnant with luggage and in heels thing’. Not wise.

I did get to add a few more items to the ongoing list of things baby has done before even being born.

Little baby, this past week in NYC…

● We stayed in a quaint, old hotel in the Upper West Side.


● Walked everywhere (but mostly through Central Park). I thought my legs were going to fall off, so lucky for you, you got a free ride.



● Stuffed our faces at the tiniest Indian restaurant ever.


● Visited Rosie Pope, the maternity store featured on the Bravo show Pregnant in Heels. While sifting through the Paige jeans I got my first, “How far along are you?” I’m not sure it officially counts though since I was in a strictly pregnant lady store.


● We browsed through bunches of baby shops. Oh the cuteness! But of all the stores, the only thing I bought was a little snow globe (I was soo good). My hope, little one, is that you can keep it always as a memento from your first trip to the Big Apple.



Random sites, tastes, & pictures:

● We ate carrot cake from a local bakery… In bed.

● Walked right past movie star, Julianne Moore.

● Watched the terrible news footage of Joplin. This hit close to home. Literally. I can’t stop thinking about how terrible this is for so many people.







I was happy to visit one of my all time favorite cities, but it also felt good to get home to the comforts of the slow paced south. I could have done without the the scary airplane ride through the storms though (see the mean clouds above). We’re safe, sound, and home and that’s all that matters.

Till next week…

12 months. 12 photos.

Yet another year is ending.
So here’s my version of 2010
with one photo
for each month.

We adopted Everett Whiskers Gill.

Baby cat's favorite snooze spot.

I got snowed into Myrtle Beach.
On Valentines Day.

Myrtle Beach - Marina Inn at Grande Dunes

We played with Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Dog the Bounty Hunter!

Two words: Bacon. Day.

Bacon Day 2010

I went to Maui.
By myself.


We had backyard pool parties.
Lots of them.

Dustin's Birthday

I went home.
To Memphis.


Spent our third wedding anniversary in Vegas.

Las Vegas 2010

We cheered on the Razorbacks.
Win or lose.

Autumn 2010

I turned the big 3-0.

30th Birthday!

Hung out at Joe Francis’ house in Mexico.


Cheers’d the year with a cupcake.
Actually, I did that every month.

December Me

Happy New Year!